
Report writing

Report writing typically involves the following steps:

  1. Planning and researching the topic
  2. Organizing and outlining the information
  3. Writing a clear and concise introduction
  4. Presenting data and evidence in the body of the report
  5. Drawing conclusions and making recommendations
  6. Revising and editing the report

Report Writing Format

Report writing is a formal way of presenting information on a specific topic. It is important to keep the target audience in mind when writing a report. The tone and format of the report should always be formal, and the information presented should be unbiased and accurate.

When it comes to report writing, it is important to understand the purpose and audience of the report. Knowing why the report is being written and for whom it is being written will guide the focus of the facts presented in the report.

Common Format for a Report Writing

Report writing is a formal way of presenting information on a specific topic. It is important to keep the target audience in mind when writing a report. The tone and format of the report should always be formal, and the information presented should be unbiased and accurate.

There are several common parts to a report’s format, including:

  • Executive Summary: A brief overview of the main points of the report
  • Table of Contents: An index page listing the different sections of the report
  • Introduction: Background information on the subject of the report
  • Body: The main content of the report
  • Conclusion: A summary of findings, recommendations, and projections
  • Reference: Sources of information used in the report
  • Appendix: Additional information or materials related to the report

Executive Summary:

This section provides a brief overview of the main points in the report, including the report topic, data obtained, data analysis methods, and recommendations.

Table of Contents:

This section serves as an index page for the report and briefly explains the author, audience, and purpose of the report.


This section provides background information on why the data in the report was collected and highlights the major topics covered in the report. When writing a report, it is important to provide a thorough analysis of the topic. The purpose of a report is to inform the reader about a subject without including personal opinions. Reports often include charts, tables, and data to support the information provided. The individual or organisation requesting the report may also specify if they would like the writer’s suggestions or recommendations included.


This section includes a description of the problem, the data that was collected, and any data analysis methods used. The body is typically broken into subsections with subheadings to provide a clear and logical flow.


This section ties together the main points in the report and suggests how the data may be interpreted or used to improve some aspect of the business or recommends additional research.


This section lists any other sources of information used to research or collect data for the report and provides proof for the points made in the report.


This section is optional and may include additional technical information or additional research that supports the findings in the report but is not necessary for the explanation provided in the body and conclusion.

When writing a report about a school event, it is important to include details such as the date and location of the event, the purpose and goals of the event, and a description of the event itself, including any notable moments or highlights.

When writing a business case report, it is important to include information such as the problem or opportunity being addressed, the proposed solution, a cost-benefit analysis, and a discussion of any potential risks or challenges.

The format of a report can vary depending on the specific requirements of the assignment or the purpose of the report. It is always good to check the instructions and guidelines provided by the instructor or organization.

A report writing format example could be a business report, a lab report, a research report, a report on a school event, etc.

Example : Report Writing

An example of a high school’s annual sports ceremony

Parker, a staff reporter, reported
June 4, Ivan High School

On June 4th, Josef High School held their annual sports ceremony at a designated field on campus. The school administration organized the event, and a team was assembled to manage the logistics of the day. Volunteers also helped set up the grounds and equipment.

The ceremony began with an opening cultural function and stage prepared for speeches, award distribution, and cultural performances. The names of participants and games were announced, and the school principal gave a speech about the history and tradition of sports day at the school.

Following the speeches, a singing competition was held. Then, the athletic events began, including high jump, long jump, table tennis, and a 500-meter race. The ceremony concluded with volleyball, basketball, and football matches. All participants displayed great enthusiasm and sportsmanship.

At the end of the ceremony, the school principal announced the winners and the mayor of the city, the chief guest, distributed prizes. The event was a memorable and enjoyable experience for all participants, and serves as a reminder of the importance of keeping students active, encouraged and confident.

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